Healthcare / case study

Revolutionizing Healthcare with Q3’s Blockchain Application For a Leading Healthcare Provider In India

Revolutionizing Healthcare with Q3’s Blockchain Application For a Leading Healthcare Provider In India

Complete story


    Technology Stack

    Ethereum Blockchain

    React Native

    Atom Editor

    Client Overview

    The Client is a healthcare provider in India offering top class medical and surgical specialties and programs.


    The client needed a solution to ease the process of data sharing between healthcare providers, to increase the chances of accurate diagnosis, successful treatments and to make the healthcare systems more cost-effective.


    Q3 Technologies developed an application on the Ethereum platform using smart contracts to manage data and records, enhancing healthcare data management and user experience.

    • Smart Contracts provide secured data exchange by eliminating the need for third-party involvement.
    • Ethereum Blockchain is utilized to back up patient data, ensuring data security.
    • Error- free information & data history protects the users from accessing wrong prescriptions and avoiding incorrect procedures.
    • Data remains private unless the patient authorizes practitioners to use it.


    Better data management
    Indestructible via decentralization
    Time saving

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